About Us

Our Facilities


3m Hydro pool


Allows patients to swim in a completely non-weightbearing enviroment.

Hoist and ramp entry for ease of access.

Counter swim jets for added resistance.

One of us will always be in the pool with your pet.


This can be used for


Pre operative muscle strengthening & fitness.

Spinal patients and arthritic dogs who aren't able to walk.

For dogs who just like a swim or don't get on with the treadmill for any reason.


Aquatic treadmill - Hydro Physio HP300


Allows patients to walk in a minimal weightbearing enviroment.

We have full control of the water height and speed.

Glass sides to allow gait observation from 360.

Side panels allow us to stand in the tank and assist patients.


This can be used for


Pre operative muscle strengthening & fitness.

Retraining dogs with spinal problems who are learning how to walk.

Also handy for those who prefer to keep paws on solid ground.


Walk in shower-


We use an eco health massage shower head,

blaster dryers and easi-dri towels to get your dog clean, dry and comfortable after treatment.




We have access to all sorts of weird and wonderful equipment to aid us with your pets treatments.

Buoyancy aids, ear protectors, weighing scales and more.